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Fig. 19


A program of geomorphological research that aims at understanding the evolution of the Kanak Su basin in the Holocene period, with particular emphasis on the impact that the foundation of the Iron (Fig 19) Age city on the Kerkenes Dag had on the surrounding landscape and environment, was begun in 1999. The goal of the 1999 research was to test the possibility of gaining useful results from a series of cores through the sediments in the Egri Öz Su valley which lies immediately north of the Kerkenes Dag and into which most of the rain water and snow-melt for Kerkenes drains. Three cores were made from samples of the sediments will be analysed during the coming months. Initial results suggest that, as predicted, there are several meters of recent sediment filling the valley and that a more extensive program of geomorphological and sedimentological research will be extremely worthwhile. This scheme of research, however, falls largely outside the realm of archaeology in both its geographic scope and in its chronological range. Thus some other mechanism for continuing this stimulating study in future years will be sought.    

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Catherine Kuzucuoglu photographing
the geomorphologic samples.

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