The Kerkenes Eco-Center Project would not have been initiated if the remains of the
Iron Age City on the Kerkenes Dag had not been the focus of a major program of
archaeological research bringing together teams of professionals, educators and students
from many different disciplines. As it developed into a research and education center, the
Kerkenes team from the METU Architecture Department pursued a program of studies on
appropriate and natural building techniques.
Establishing a sustainable research and education center is the long term aim of the
Kerkenes Eco-Center Project team. Research, education and arousing public awareness with
an emphasis on sustainability has been the focus of the Kerkenes Eco-Center Project
activities since it was founded in 2002. It is hoped that continuing support from local
authorities and private sector will enable the project team to put in place a 2018 program of
activities that will bring together villagers, school children, university students, educators
and professionals for workshops and visits that will help securing a sustainable future for our
planet (Fig. 28).