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The first activities of the Kerkenes Eco-Center in the village of Sahmuratli, Yozgat, were initiated during the 2002 summer season and pursued in 2003 as a result of support received from the Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy. At the same time, a study of the 'Environmental Performance of Buildings', funded by the British Council Partnership Scheme for collaboration between the Architectural Association (London) and the METU Department of Architecture (Ankara), provides an opportunity for students to get involved in activities related to the new Eco-Center venture through the selection of case studies at the village of Sahmuratli. The new Eco-Building, funded in 2003 by the DAP, was an ideal structure on which to focus these studies.
It has been very encouraging to have the continuous support of the Vali (Governor) of Yozgat and all the concerned local authorities working incessantly to improve the infrastructure and services on which the progress of the project depends. We are most grateful to the directors and staff of the Köy Hizmetleri (Rural Services), TEDAS and Türk Telekom for improvements made to the water supply, the electricity network and the telephone system thus facilitating both research and daily life activities. We also thank the Sorgun Kaymakam (District Governor) Meftun Dalli, and Belediye Baskan (Mayor) Ahmet Simsek for their invaluable help. In August 2004, the Govenor of Yozgat, Gökhan Sözer, visited Kerkenes with a large entourage, including the Director of Rural Services, Muharrem Sengül, who can be praised for the new tarmac road leading to the ancient ruins through the village of Sahmuratli.
Building materials and help in kind have been provided by Yibitas Yozgat Çimento / Yibitas Lafarge, the Sorgun Belediye, Onduline, ODE, the British Embassy, the Burdens Charitable Foundation and the Ankara Hilton. Seedlings and trees were given by the Yozgat Belediye. Dr Sevket Bagci continues to provide support in many ways. The Sahmuratli villagers, the retiring Muhtar, Ali Erciyes, and his replacement, Osman Muratdagi, continue to extend traditional hospitality to both the Kerkenes Team and visitors. Osman Muratdagi has also made his minibus and services available to the project on more than one occasion. In Sorgun, Kamar Supermarket assists with shopping demands and has provided a refrigerator for the Kerkenes House.
The Kerkenes Project research activities at the Middle East Technical University (METU/ODTÜ) are funded by grants channeled through the METU Development Foundation. We are most grateful for donations from Lafarge Saglik Egitim ve Kültür Vakfi, Bell Helicopter, the Anglo-Turkish Association, Yenigün, MESA, AKG Gazbeton and Mr Erdogan Akdag. The METU Computer Center provides technical support and hosts the Kerkenes web page. METU Press publishes the project's annual newsletter, Kerkenes News/Haberler, reporting in English and Turkish on all the different aspects of research and activities taking place at Kerkenes. In 2004 the project was asked to vacate the office in the Faculty of Architecture and we are most grateful to the METU President's Office for providing new premises within the library building.
The project Web Page (Fig. 6), which disseminates results to a wide audience of professionals, students and lay public, contains details of the numerous sponsors, collaborating institutions and participants.


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