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Virtual Reality:

The Kale was then chosen to demonstrate the potential for virtual reality reconstructions. This offers opportunities to render and reconstruct scenes from the ancient city life as a guide for interpretation. Acquired knowledge can then be passed on to experts and interested members of the public through cables and satellite links to all four corners of the world.




Combining different data sets:

Placing geomagnetic imagery over GPS simulations shows the relationship between elements of the city plan, building plans and micro-topography.



Analysing Slopes Aspect and View Shed:

Slope aspect and View Shed analysis are but two among the many wide-ranging possibilities offered by GIS software once sufficient data is available. We are looking forward to using the Arc View GIS latest release and ERDAS Imagine software for a full GIS study of the city. We were pleased to have the chance to invite to the Kerkenes Office Jerry Johnson, Regional Manager of ESRI, and Simon Wills, Regional Manager of Leica ERDAS, during their June 2002 visit and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their enthusiastic support. We would like also to renew our thanks to Mehmet Tankut of Islem GIS and his staff in Ankara for continuous encouragement and assistance that we have received.



Cappadocia Gate:
As the project research design advances towards a new phase where clearing and excavating focuses on the interpretation of remote sensing surveys, GIS continues to play a major role in the recording and processing of information. Clearing of the Cappadocia Gate has revealed an impressive glacis which was recorded by photogrammetric techniques as well as digital photography for rectification.



Digital Photography and Rectification:

Different softwares have been used to rectify the photos of the glacis face which can then be used to draw or virtually reconstruct the monument. We anticipate the success of using both our newly acquired Arc View and Imagine packages to pursue such studies.



3D Visualisation of the Cappadocia Gate:

The Cappadocia Gate was fully reconstructed in cyber space and can thus be visited by many... Further studies and virtual modelling will greatly assist the preparation of a proposal for a real reconstruction of part of the gate.


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