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We would like to thank the General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, and especially Director General Nadir Avcı and staff, for their support and good advice. Thanks are also due to representatives Ahmet Beyazlar from the Gaziantep Museum and to Cumhur Sal of the General Directorate. The staff of the Yozgat Museum have, as usual, been most supportive.

We thank the Governor of Yozgat, Gökhan Sözer, the Director of the Department of Rural Services, Muharrem Şengül, the Director of TEDAŞ, Bülent Gürel, and the Director of Türk Telekom, Resul Aydın, and their staff in Yozgat and Sorgun. Sorgun District Governor, Meftun Dallı, the Sorgun Mayor, Ahmet Şimşek and Dr. Şevket Bağcı have provided help and assistance essential to the work progress.

We are deeply indepted to the Headman, Osman Muratdağı, and people of Şahmuratlı Village for extending traditional Anatolian hospitality. The Kerkenes Project is dependent on its patrons to all of whom we extend our appreciation.